APM Registered (Association for Project Management)
APM Registered Corporate Members are organisations registered with the Association for Project Management (APM). The APM itself is a registered charity and independent professional body dedicated to the development of programme and project management science, theory and practice.
APM's mission is: "To develop and promote the professional disciplines of project and programme management for the public benefit"
APM is the largest independent professional body of its kind in Europe and has individual and APM Corporate Members throughout the UK and abroad. APM's aim is to develop and promote project management across all sectors of industry and beyond.
At the heart of APM is the APM Body of Knowledge (APMBOK), fifty two knowledge areas required to manage any successful project. APM promotes the use of the APM Body of Knowledge through qualifications, accredited training, research, publications and events.
APM Registered Consultants / Members, both corporate & individual, are highly skilled and experienced professionals recognised in the UK and throughout the world via International Project Management Association (IPMA). The APM itself is the UK member of the IPMA.
KPS Consultants, an APM Registered Corporate Member with registration number R39443 to 31st January 2011. KPS chose to suspend/terminate its subscription as an APM Corporate Member on the 29th January 2011.