APMG Accredited Consulting Organisation (ACO)

Welcome to KPS Consultants' APMG ACO Page. Please note that in the interests of protecting client confidentiality requirements, client framework agreement clauses and as a result of APMG's suspension as a UKAS Accreditation and Certification body on the 12th October 2007, amongst other reasons, KPS Consultants formally and voluntarily served notice to the APM Group Ltd (APMG) on the 18th December 2007 terminating KPS Consultants subscription to the APMG ACO scheme. Further information on reasoning is based on KPS Consultants experience as an APMG ACO to date and throughout our period of subscription to the APMG ACO scheme. Please feel free to contact KPS Consultants for further information. KPS Consultants' decision was made post consultation with all employees and various clients.

What is an APMG ACO?

An APMG ACO is an APMG Accredited Consulting Organisation. An organisation which may if it wishes to do so pay a subscription fee to APM Group Ltd to have its quality management system assessed at agreed intervals, this includes the 'surveillance' of the ACO's individual consultants/employees. The latter process includes a regular request by APM Group to have the ACO disclose names, contact numbers, email addresses, company name, roles, project and other such organisational details of the ACO's clients to the APMG. The latter was something many of our clients, both in the public and private sectors, refused to accept.

Is KPS Consultants an APMG ACO (Accredited Consulting Organisation)?

As of 29th September 2006 KPS Consultants Ltd (KPS Consultants) formally became a fully registered PRINCE2® APMG ACO (Accredited Consulting Organisation).

KPS Consultants completed stage 1 of the APMG ACO Assessment (Overall company assessment) on 24th May 2006.
KPS Consultants completed stage 2 of the APMG ACO Assessment (Individual consultant assessments) on the 29th September 2006.
KPS Consultants served notice of termination to the APM Group Ltd (APMG) for subscription to the APMG ACO scheme on 18th December 2007 at 2120Hrs GMT.

For the purpose of progressive status:

KPS Consultants > 9th organisation to have been accredited as an APMG ACO (Accredited Consulting Organisation) in England and Wales.
KPS Consultants > 10th organisation to have been accredited as an APMG ACO (Accredited Consulting Organisation) in the United Kingdom.
KPS Consultants > 14th organisation to have been accredited as an APMG ACO (Accredited Consulting Organisation) Worldwide.
KPS Consultants > 1st organisation to voluntarily terminate subscription to the APMG ACO (Accredited Consulting Organisation) scheme Worldwide.

Most FAQ: Will KPS Consultants ever re-register as an APMG ACO? - Pending many factors including APMG costs, the impact on our clients and a review of any improvements to the APMG ACO scheme at the time. However, to date it has not been a requirement for our clients, many of whom have their own independent techniques and models as a means by which to measure PPM maturity or realise benefits/effectiveness. Should KPS ever re-register as an APMG ACO, the progressive status above will be updated to reflect accordingly.

For Further Information or clarification regarding our APMG ACO Status, Contact KPS.